

John Bell hack the stock market review personal blog

Hack the stock market review 
by Barbara Kincaid a real person

 This page is all about my personal experience with John Bell 
 author of how to hack the stock market  

 Feb 28 2013
just received another email

 Okay, First I'm still researching the pick I promised you.
I'll send you an update in a few weeks time.
But anyway: To be ready for that pick you're gonna need an online brokerage account.

Now, for a long time I've been recommending etrade, scottrade etc.

But, I recently got an account at "Interactive Brokers" and let me tell you - They are by far the best!

Their commission rates are the lowest in the industry and their execution is the best.

John Bell

P.S. By the way in case you think low commissions and good execution is a "small detail"..

Think again, it can make a HUGE difference.

January 2013

just got another email from john regarding a pick in feb
please do not buy into this load of crap keep reading i lost all of 700 total

John mailed out alert on TFER again 

October 2012
have received several emails from john
 yet he has yet to answer
any of my emails regarding his most recent pick 

dropped like a dog turd in fact the once active return emails now do not work

Sept 24th 2012

will be sending out a new pick on the 28th

August 29 2012  john bell is on the move again
sent me a email saying his summer pick is coming up
i have not been able to get a email through to him for several months now
he sent out the call on TFER
and the thing sunk like a big black turd

he then sent out a call on pgle a gold company and something about a quick pick

johns first pick of the jamn coffie was the only pick that people made money on
so i am no longer using his picks and i thnk my friend has jumped the ship to

May 4th 2012

John Bell emailed alert    TFER
march 21 2012
i bought 500 dollars worth of this stock only to
watch it go from 1.32 to .40 per share

 he then sent out email for march 27 picking pglc some gold company

may 4th now a new email something about a quick pick
he has not replyed to any of my 4 emails to him

March 21 
got johns new pick it is  TFER
got 500 bucks worth of stock at $1.32

 March 1 2012
received a email from John today 
stating he has a pick coming soon

8th July 2011 reader posted message
I believe John B. is a fraud. He picks micro-cap companies and creates excitement about them. Many people buy this small company stock at the same time and the stock prize goes up.

At this point John places a short against the company waiting for the inevitable crash. That is a pretty sweet scam ---making money with share prize rising and then falling.

The problem is: He kept on recommending to his readers to buy after he placed the big short position.

Specifically, he kept on recommending purchasing JAMN when the prize has fallen from $6 to $3.5.

It has been 60 day since that recommendation and the shares dropped down to 1.16 as of today 7/7/2011.

Needles to say I lost 70 % of my investment.
My reply
Hummm I don't like this post
how could you know - for a fact  - that john is playing the short
how could you know - for a fact  - he kept recommending to his sucscribers / clients to invest money knowing they would loose
is that what your suggesting?  

You say a mouth full but you offer know proof
please in future your welcome to post comments but include factual information to back up your statements dates included this will lend creditbility to your statements

I have followed johns play on jamn and i see no reason how someone who invested when john mailed out his call
could have lost
unless you did not play it right
i mean if you have a entry point you should not buy it until you decide on a exit point did you have a exit stratigy before securing your stocks?
did you set your exit point to high?
did you not act quickly enough

November 2011
I have not had a new pick from john but i have received several information emails from him
I would not expect a pick from him during the extreme failures on wall street but still he did promise 3 to 4 picks in a year that I paid him for

5th July 2011
received email from john
Thanks, John Bell

P.S. Every few weeks JAMN is announcing major new distribution contracts.

Keep an eye on it.

I believe as these agreements come to fruition we could see another rush of
interest in JAMN.

20th May 2011
replay to reader e mail
Investment Philosophy
Experienced traders control risk,
inexperienced traders chase gains.

"If you dont know what you are doing, doing nothing is better than doing you know what" - Trader Jack 

check out ihub message board i really like these guys and they post good charts
in fact i will now state that I will never put money down on a stock until i have read the messages on this board. 

great news for shom posted here this is a long term investors dream,
wall street traders will come and push up the price, the volume is building steady,
they news is all good and its a great bet.

if you don't know what jamn will do step back from it and study more
i did read that Tim is playing the short, that means he predicts the stock will go down at least for now
I still believe in the long term durabity of this stock
but i have walked away from jamn and jumped onto shom

General Market Advice:

1. Never chase a stock.

2. Buy when markets are in the grip of panic.

3. Only buy fundamentally strong stocks, which are undervalued.

4. Buy stocks grown in top line and bottom line over the past years.

5. Invest in companies with proven management.

6. Avoid loss-making companies.

7. PE Ratio and Growth in earnings per share are the key.

8. Look for the dividend paying record.

9. Invest in stocks for sure returns.

10. Stocks have been the high yielding asset class over the past.

11. Stocks are an asset class.

12. The basic property of any asset class is to grow.

13. Buy when everyone is selling and sell when everyone buys.

14. Invest a fixed amount each month.

Last But not least Trust our tips and then invest to earn huge pro

15th May 2011
I got johns pick it was jamn
i did not purchase any stock
 Email from john announcing his pick

Yesterday I sent you a full report
giving you all the reasons why I
am picking JAMN.

You can read the report here

 Recall in the above report, I told
you JAMN is backed by the son of
a very famous man.

In fact, one of the most widely
known men in the world.

This man is: Bob Marley!

And Rohan Marley is Chairman and
founder of "Jammin Java by Marley
Check out this video interview
with Rohan: 

Now you can see why I was so excited about the celebrity
name behind this company.

The Marley name and its Jamaican heritage is synonymous with coffee.

Even at the height of his fame  Bob Marley had a dream to return
to coffee farming.

Rohan Marley describes JAMN as:

"...fulfilling my father's dream."

And Rohan Marley is no Paris Hilton socialite.

He has spent the last few years founding a new charity appropriately
called "1love".

And through Jammin Java he has created another charity "Kicks for

Kicks for Cause is a charity created specifically to provide
soccer fields and soccer camps for the children of coffee farmers
in Jamaica.

In creating Jammin Java by Marley Coffee - Rohan's goal is to go
beyond "ethically sourced" coffee.

Jammin's employees are paid 3x the local wage.

And the Marley Coffee farming community has soccer fields and
sport facilities.

(Because Rohan Marley is a big soccer fan - And believes the
children can benefit through sport.)

And the Jammin Java coffee is some of the highest quality blue mountain
coffee available.

So the product is good.  The brand name is great

But why now?

Why do I believe JAMN could take off in the next few months?

Like I told you in yesterday's report...

For the past few years Wall Street has been in love with coffee

Because as more and more Americans home roast their own high quality
coffee... Demand has rocketed.

Just look at:

Green Mountain Coffee RoastersDiedrich Coffee,  Caribou Coffee Company

In the past few years these start-up coffee roasters have turned into
billion dollar corporations.

(And along the way - They've made investors mucho fungalas.)
Most coffee roaster companies (big and small) are already
massively overvalued.

So, as you can imagine, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a
start-up coffee roaster...

Backed by Rohan Marley.
Piggy-backing on the worldwide brand recognition of "Marley"...

Trading at under $5 a 'share'!  But why now?   Let me explain.

Right now JAMN is a development stage coffee company.
They went public a year ago and received financing.

In the past year JAMN has been working on all the boring logistical
stuff, like:

The taste of their coffee, The branding, The coffee bags,
The distribution network etc.

But now that's all done.
And JAMN is currently pushing a major roll out of the product across
North America.

For me... This means one thing.

Lately Jammin Java has announced many major contracts with retailers.

In January they announced their coffee is now sold by

Then in February Jammin announced they've signed a deal with United
Natural Foods - a huge Canadian distribution company.
Early in March they announced a deal with specialty food distributor
Gourmet Merchants International.

Then at the end of March Jammin announced they've been stocked

"Jammin Java Corp. Now Selling Its Coffee on"
See the Press Release:

Just the other week Jammin announced an agreement with "National Coffee
& Vending".
This company is planning on getting Jammin Java coffee into hotel rooms
and offices across America.

And just the other day Jammin announced the introduction of their
new product line... Marley Coffee Single-Serve Coffee Pods.

All of this means...
This development stage company could be about to turn into a hot
growth story.

A "growth story" I believe Wall Street will love...
Ethically sourced, high quality blue mountain coffee - Backed by
the "Bob Marley" brand.

It's amazing to me JAMN still trades under $5 a 'share'.

Remember my last pick rocketed from $0.32 to $1.67?

I cannot guarantee JAMN will be another 421% winner like that.
But I waited five months to release this pick.
And I'm more confident in this one than I've ever been before!

Final words:     Wall Street loves small gourmet coffee roasters.
What will Wall Street make of a small roaster backed by
"Bob Marley"?

I don't know.  But I sure want to be here when we all find out.

John Bell, HacktheStockMarket

8th May 2011 response to reader comment
I DO think John will send out jamn again, I hope not, 
I now believe that John is a paid promoter who was given stock in the company as payment for his work 
he is being paid to promote the company I no longer believe he is running a pump and dump just wish i could have gotten in at a lower price since my price range is .01 to .05

I do believe jamn is a good company just need to figure out the true value of the stock
I like the sector industrial goods it is doing well overall
industrial sector link

did you have a chance to check out my other new posts yet?

my personal trading plan and pick strategy

I strongly suggest you create your own trading plan and pick strategy as I have done and I am still working on that

I am going to be looking into a new guy for advice he cost about 50 dollars a month and you don't have to pay for the year of service up front like with John who states his price will jump to over 4,000 next time you rejoin you pay with paypal not clickbank so you get more protection on your purchase with paypal

I will be doing a new blog post on Timothy Sykes abut his web site.  On his site he even list a phone number that I have called and got a very detailed message check him out at these two sites
I went to paypal payment process and there is no information listed about canceling your subscription but it does say that future fees will be made using your default paypal paying method so that tells me it is re-accuring automaticly each month, so I am going to send him a email asking about how to cancel if i want out

to learn about and purchase

I don't think this is a pump and dump guy his web site says he will be adding more videos and you can buy the whole package 10 dvd and the silver membership for 100 bucks a month or the basic for 50 (not the dvd) that's a whole lot cheaper than johns membership for next year

I like the fact that he is offering trading education and some lucky people will get his personal attention and training for free Tim's stock trading challenge you can read about it on one of the sites i listed above

You can check back for more information on my blog post

timothy skyes redmonkey wealth insiders alliance review
it may take a few hours for this new post to be viewed sometimes blogspot is not instant


8th May 2011 
JAVA link to yahoo industry browser sector industial good

yahoos jamn.ob profile  
JAVA closed at 3.11 yesterday so unless john sends me a different pick that he has obviously sent to others much earilier than me then I wont be buying this stock on the 11th May 2011 (Wednesday) unless stock drops down to .05 (my price range) I think I understand what john is doing here, and before I get angry or upset I want to see what he sends be to pick.  
If I get JAVA over 0.05 I will be upset with him for sure.  
And I will send him another letter asking to move up on his mail out list

that is so true about jamn might be a good time to buy again, if we can stomach it.  It could crash and burn big time again

ya know it occurred to me today that john may try pushing jamn again
he told me in email he sent out 5000 emails what if he has 10000 on his list
wait for the stock to back down and do another run with the remaining people on his list
its possible

Today I went back to the web site to see if anyone else has commented on his post here is a post from that site

Matt Kahn says:
I found John Bell in February and for a mere $4.95 a downloaded his 54 page book and was later charged $124.05 which I was told was the balance due, that the book was actually $129.
I also bought a one year service subscription for his stock picks for $97.

After a month of waiting I received JAMN in mid March and to his credit the stock soared from $1.25 to where it is today, just over $3.

Then I receive another email stating that he is posting his new pick on May 3rd. On May 3rd I get an email saying that his pick was delayed because the product sold out within an hour on Amazon and the buzz made the stock price rise dramatically.

My point of all this is that he is releasing JAMN again and calling it a new pick. So for my $226 investment I received one pick and although I made a significant chunk of change something just isn’t right. After reading the article above my suspicions are confirmed. Not to mention when I emailed Mr. Bell to ask why he was releasing the same pick I received no answer.

6th May 2011  response to email from reader
You are not annoying me at all.  I want to communicate with others on this subject.  
I did receive a email from john today although it was not a response to my letter.  
In the beginning I had 500 dollars to invest, 
since then I have learned that is not enough to get started so
now I have 1400 ready to place a order if I use Johns pick. 

I have secured small amounts of ALZM and SGDH 
I will be creating new pages for both of those investments 
ALZM has purchased a new medical device that carries hearts for transplants.  
This is a long term investment I bought at 2.00 p/s the 
other is a paper pulp company another very small investment. 

I found lots of information on both on the web. 
ALZM has dipped well below 2.00 now and hope it will 
fall to .01 and i am thinking about investing more if it does.  
I think the stock has great potential others who opinion 
I value and whom are more knowledgeable than I agree. 

Check out my blog for recommended links for reading and learning. 
One site that you should read as much as you can is
a must read for beginners best logical information I have found out there

My best personal advice to you regarding securing any stock is:

don't get in a hurry don't take on to much to soon if you can 
only dedicate a few hours a week to learning its ok you 
don't have to learn it all right now.

don't feel you have to go with Johns choice just because you 
paid for it if you paid the same amount I did for the book and
joining the club you now have over 200.00 already invested in 
this journey, but better to loose 200.00 than 2000.00
if you secure positions that fail to gain

there will be other picks coming and you will continue to learn 
and maybe even make a purchased based on 
recommendation by someone else or even yourself

do continue to save money if you robbed your piggy bank 
for any of the money you intend to spend, you need to replace it

do make logical choices with your brain

don't become emotionaly attached to a company by this i mean 
don't invest just because you like the idea of owning a particular 
stock and you want to help the company

do consider the risk of loosing it all before you invest
you must own your decisions
no one will take the blame for you if you loose there are no refunds

don't get greedy
do be patient

do continue reading and learning about the stock market
just like any other new job you need training

if you decided to follow someones advice make sure you feel
that person is intelligent, educated, patient, experienced, 
logical, and has a sincere desire to help others even if 
they gain from teaching / helping you

do keep a journal it does not have to be a blog journal 
but a system of tracking your thoughts and progress

Have a great evening and good luck keep in touch please
5th May 2011
I have removed a comment as requested of the writer

4 May 2011
I have sent a letter to John he has not responded
I am currently a member of your pick club.
I have recently received emails from you announcing the date of your lasted pick
the date you sent to me is May 11th 2011

I also received from you a email with a link to a video clip announcing the same date May 11th 2011
Today while searching the web I landed on a blog page about your book and the pick club

The author stated that he was a member of the pick club
had received a email from you with the pick date as May 2nd 2011
and even provided a link to the same video I received from you the only difference being the date

He also stated the pick at JAMN I read about JAMN a few weeks ago web searching
If this information is correct then I feel unhappy

I don't care about specifics in this pick
I only want to be further up on the mail out list
JAMN is trading at 3.00 a share today

I only have 1500 to start with at the current 3.00 price
I will only get 500 shares
and if the stock does go up and I believe it will
and if it does get to 5.00 I make a gain of 1500
I need to do better than that
if I can't do better than that then I won't be able to pay your
renewal fee next year

I have been promoting your book since feburary
I have complete faith in your ability to pick a stock
you can read about my personal review on my blog
4 May 2011
 responce to email from reader
I have received emails from 
a person naming himself as John Bell
he has written me back once 
I have never spoken with him

I have been doing my own research 

since feb 2011 my thoughts are:

weather he is a real person or a group 

he/they are analyzing and maybe even 
trying to manipulate stocks

I don't care about how it is done 
as long as I get a winner pick and make profits
I paid for this tip but 
that does not mean I have to act upon it

keep reading my blog for further updates 

regarding my letter to john I sent to him today

i may not share the complete texts of my email to him 
or his reply to mine
but I will write (after receiving his reply) on my blog
my opinion - honest - logical (good/ bad /indifferent)
based on information I have read and my personal experiences

Come back on the 11th  when johns sends his report 

and the name of the company
That is when make a decision
do i play johns pick or not

I found this web site today you should read this

4 May 2011   reply to reader
I replied to Johns emails, did not go through click bank, if you paid for your membership for pick club and are not receiving the same emails as I then send email to above address give your clickbank order number ask why your not receiving the other emails, this is all i can recommend.  

If John does not reply within 24 hours call clickbank 

Please keep me posted here on my blog there is a pick scheduled for next week

3 May 2011 I am happy to see a few people have posted comments

28 April  received a email from john
Look, my last pick was 421% winner.

It exploded from $0.32 (at the time of my email alert) to a high of $1.67

But take note:
I CANNOT guarantee Wednesday's pick will rocket 421%

That pick was my best ever official pick.
It rocketed 421% all within 2 months of me making the selection.

Many of my subscribers told me they made out like bandits...
And I suspect there are a few extra Porsche's on the road because of it ;)

To give you an idea:
Any $10,000 became $42,000

But it's been 5 months since then.
And I haven't released a pick for the entire time.

Because I only release picks when I believe they're a "sure-thing".
I do months of research into each company I recommend.

I call management, I buy their products, I visit their offices or

Believe me when I say...
Investing is only fun when you don't do the hard work.

And although I cannot guarantee Wednesday's pick will beat my last.

I am more confident in this pick, than I was before my last one.
It's what we call...

The Fat Pitch

It's a development stage company in one of Wall Street's hottest

Yet somehow it trades at less than $3
They're little-known and undiscovered.

I'm told no analyst has even called this company.

But the reason I'm picking it now is...

They're about to turn the corner
from a development stage company
to a growth story.

In the next few months they're rolling out 

their product across North America.

This means one thing.   Sales.

And I believe this sudden burst of sales could trigger huge interest
in the company.

But that's not all.    This seemingly small and lowly company has an ace in the hole.

I cannot tell you too much. But... Their brand name is known by almost everyone in the Western world.

Because the owner of this company.   (Also the Chairman.)

Is the Son of probably the most famous person in the world.

I'm not kidding.   Anyway, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Just make sure you're ready for my pick on:

Wednesday, 11th May 
John Bell,  HacktheStockMarket

26 April 2011  received a email from John, below is some of it
Listen up.  
It's been a little over 5 months since I last released a stock' pick.
Longtime subscribers will probably remember that pick.

The stock' rocketed from $0.32 to an absolute high of $1.67
It was probably the best call I've ever made.

Especially considering this gain was made within two months of my

Many subscribers made mucho fungalas on that pick.  

  (We're talking tens of thousands.)
Anyway... If you didn't get in on that one.  Don't kick yourself.

I'm going to send you my new pick on this date:

Wednesday, 11th May

But, why now?  I've been watching this company for a while now.

Waiting for the exact right time.
The company has just announced a string of major developments.

And no-one on Wall Street has yet taken notice.
But, for an unusual reason I think that's about to change.

In fact, I think in coming months Wall Street will really sit up
and take notice of this company.

Why?   I'll tell you exactly why in my research report.
Again, you'll receive this report before the market opens on:
Wednesday, 11th May

You might want to call in sick at work on that day - Trust me, this
pick will be THAT good.

John Bell,

7th April 2011
I have been doing a bit of research via internet 
and found this great blog spot you should read 
if you have never bought penny stock before.  

I believe it is always best to inform yourself as 
much as you can with this type of life experience.  
I am familiarizing my self with the lingo.  
So check out David Nelson

I have downloaded nasdaq ticker toolbar to keep track of my stock
I have secured positions with SGDH and ALZM 
very small investments with ALZM targeting to reach $20
this link will take you to see the products this company is producing

John has received the remainder of the cost of his ebook
I have had no issues with clickbank
I am still happy I am making this journey
I am still happy I found John and 
look forward for the best advice he
can give.

I have been active in both scottrade and Sogotrade 
learning how to track, purchase, looking at charts 
trying to understand something that may help me  
I even bought and i am still happy with those two positions

5 April 2011  Received email from john projecting the time frame for his next
pick, about for weeks time so around May 1st
17 March 2011
Spoke with my friend Jean today she told me about a 
online stock trading company that only charges 3 dollars per trade
sogotrader min of 500 deposit 
I have started the process of opening an account
there since scottrade charges 7 dollars

15 March 2011
receive a email from john today
For the past five months I've been  searching high and low for a new  'stock' pick.
These long delays between picks  tend to annoy some of my subscribers.

And I know, I know. There are loads of other Internet  'stock' pickers who manage to release a new pick every week!

Frankly, I don't know how they do it.  When I release a pick it is after at least six weeks of daily research.

I call the company, I call competitors I talk to management.
It's a technique I call "Scuttlebutt".  Usually after hours and hours of sleuthing I'll either find some sort of rotten apple.

(And drop the company.)  Or I'll find something amazing, that no other investors know.

Maybe a big sales contract is coming down the pipeline.
Maybe they're about to roll out their product into a new territory.

You get the point.  Making these picks is hard work.
So I figure the guys who somehow make a new pick every week - Must be doing
very little due diligence. Not my style.

When I send you a pick I want to be  99% sure it will be a BIG winner.

My last pick was one of these big winners.
In fact it gained 421% within two months of making the selection.

(It rocketed from $0.32 to $1.67)  Anyway... I think I've found it.
The Perfect Pick!  It's a small development stage company
that I believe is about to become a big company.

I'm still doing my research.  But the more I investigate this one,
the better it sounds.

I'm probably going to send you this pick in about four weeks time.
(That's how long it will take for me to get fully confident it will be a winner.)

John Bell,   HacktheStockMarket

12 March 2011
I have bookmarked NYSE and NASDAQ and Yahoo finiance
for future learning and research.  
I plan on learning as much as I can in the year my membership is active with John since the memership price increases to over $4,000 next time I hope I can learn enough to make the picks myself.  

But learning is not the only obstical I have.  
Time to research everyday, that is not so easy 
the market closes at 5pm and often I am not even home 
by that time let alone home earlie enough to set down 
at pc and take a few hours to research the listings directory

12 march 2011
I have my scottrade account funded $500.00 
they have my signature page
I have just joined John Bell's Pick Club for 1 year the cost was
$97.00 I should receive a email within 7 days

later today I received a confirmation email from clickbank
I also received following email from John it went to my junk mail folder so I have added this email address to my contact list
First things first:   Thank You!    I really mean it.

Recently, when you visited my website - you decidedto subscribe to my newsletter.

You took a chance. I admire that... and... I intend to do everything within
my power to make this the best investment you will ever make.

My newsletter is a labor of love.    I slave over it like you wouldn't believe.

I want my newsletter to be... by far... the most valuable investing publication
in the entire world.

In fact, my personal goal is to have you make thousands of dollars on each
pick I send.

(And eventually, tens of thousands as your bankroll grows.)

I spend months researching each pick.  

Which is why you're only going to receive a pick from me every 2 to 3 months.

Occasionally I receive complaints that I don't release enough picks.

Did you know they used to offer horse racing in Vegas...

But gamblers couldn't wait the 5 minutes it took to lose their money!

A lot of investors are like that.   And I want you to get rid of that mentality.

I only release picks when they're  almost a sure-thing.

Because I'm not going to put your  money at risk on some forced-trade.

My picks are rare.   Receiving one is like a pan-handler finding a golden nugget.

It is the instructions to a place you can swap every $1 for $3.

So, sit back and enjoy life.

You're a member of my club, and if you're reading this email - 
There is nothing more for you to do.

I'll be in touch every week or two with tips and tricks (and updates
on any upcoming pick).

P.S. To take advantage of my service you'll need to sign-up with:
eTrade, Scottrade, TD Ameritrade,  Zecco, Interactive Brokers, Schwab.
(Any of them will do - They're all similar.)
26th feb 2011
Today I went to scottrade account and added my checking account, they will make 2 deposits into my account then I have to go back and confirm those deposits, still waiting for my tax return to fund the account, I also received the signature page from scottrade and will mail that to them tomorrow

20th feb 2011
John does not address the issue of how much money you need other than his calculations for totals involve the figure $3,000
I plan on starting with much less, only $500.00 to fund my account

17 Feb 2011
Today I opened my account with
I was unable to print the signature page so I called my local branch
they should be sending me the papers to sign and mail back in
I will not fund the account until I return the signature page 

Scottrade requires a 500 dollar min to fund your account
that was nice because the other brokerage firms i looked at
required much more.  

they way i understand it is each trade I make on Scottrade
I will pay  $7.00 on stocks priced $.01 -- $1.00

For stocks priced under $1, add ½% of the principal value to the commissions shown

13th Feb 2011
Listened to John's audio sales promotion.  
I like it a lot and thought I might give it a try

Paid $4.95 for 60 day trial promised full refund 
was able to pay with paypal I liked that aspect
you must commit to pay the $124.00 after 30 
days they will deduct from your paypal source
I received a receipt by email several hours later

My paypal account shows payment of     to ClickBank 
Billing Agreement ID:
Item Title:
ClickBank - How to Hack the Stock Market Trial Offer
Invoice ID:
Feb 13, 2011
12:37:24 PST

Digital products retailer 

Item Title:
ClickBank - How to Hack the Stock Market Trial Offer
Invoice ID:
Feb 13, 2011
12:37:24 PST

I then downloaded John Bell's Hack the stock market ebook pdf form 
 I was given a email address to contact him at

I have quickly reviewed the material and find it somewhat over my head     I am thinking about joining John's exclusive "Pick Club" for $97 one year trial membership
Well since i am a stock market virgin I wrote a email to John asking for advice on which online brokerage firm to open an account with.  

Thinking I should have that all set up before joining the club and get 
the most out of my tips, from the Pick Club, that will be emailed to me about every 3 months.   

I will wait for his reply.        
I expect the response time to be within 3 days so I will see if i get one before wednesday this week. 

14th Feb 2011 3pm 
got a reply email from John  

Hi,   Here is a list of some of the most well known 
but any broker that you are able to trade stocks with will work.    
Broker recommendations:      
eTrade, Scottrade, TD Ameritrade, Zecco, Interactive Brokers, Schwab. tradeking

Below is the email i received (after purchasing the 60 day trial) regarding the Pick Club

You've read my report.    I'm confident you liked it.    
I mean, who else offers a specific  strategy like that - 
With clear steps you can follow.    
Too many 'stock' market books are  just 300 pages of fluff.  
Anyhow.   If you liked my report but felt like it seemed too much like hard work - 
Don't worry.   Hey pouring over annual reports isn't my idea of fun either.
So here's a way you can make all of the profit with none of the work.      

Join my small and exclusive "picks club".   
Every two months you'll receive a pick from me.
You can effortlessly trade my  picks and benefit from my  knowledge & experience.
Over the past 3 years my average pick gains 119%
John Bell | 1141 Armbrester Drive | Gardena, CA 90248

I checked out ING Direct for prices they do have a
program for a 4 dollar trade but there are conditions 
that I think are not suitable for they type of trades 
I will be doing that 4 dollar trade is only for automatic 
trades of stocks, mutual funds, and ETF's

The real time trades are 9.95 per trade
They do offer a special program Advantage Pricing 
program 12 dollars per months and give you the 7.95 per 
trade discount, but even that is not what I need.  
For John's program I think one would only be trading 
every 2 months or so depending on what you want 
to take advantage of  and when you will sell.  
So I am still trying to work out how that works really

Etrade wants 2,000 to open a account so they don't need my business


How to be creative jewelry making ideas

Gather up elements and hang them on something

Before you go purchase your elements to work with try to have a few guide lines such as 
all nature stuff 
gold metal tones only 

think about what colors you like
what shapes you like
and do some surfing on ebay you can get some realy good deals if you try.  

Also I look for elements at yard sales and thrift shop and dismantle as needed.

Think about what you want to hang your stuff on Leather cords come in a variety of color and size.  

think about size, I have trouble working with items smaller than 6mm so my range is 6mm to about 10mm on beads.  Think about connectors you can buy or make your self such as the copper wire.

When I begin to create a new design, sometimes I have a clear vision of what I want to make but sometimes I like to just pull something together most of the time it works out well.

First find space in your home where you can put a good sturdy table to work on.  You will need to leave your work and come back to it as time allows so get a few sturdy clean boxes to keep you materials free from damage, dust and dirt.  Get a good light source to place in that area

Second determine what it is you want to create I am creating a necklace on this project

Third collect materials to work with and place them at your work area.  

You will need a few tools such as a pair of pliers, a small wire cutting tool and wire.  Then begin collecting materials that you would like to work with.  I find most of my supplies online search and sometimes i find things at the flea market.  You will need findings as well.

It helps to have a rich source of materials to pull from 
I can't express that strongly enough and it takes time to find what best reflects your own creative energy. 

Think about 
colors - I bought a pocket color wheel that inspires me and teaches me the right colors to mix together

age group 

I decided I want to make something for a girl.  
So that is the type of material I am looking for in my supplies

I Look through my supplies and pull out some items to lay on a clean white surface.  

I will work with a 18" silver plated link chain to build my sclupture necklace I can make the matching earrings last.  This photos shows a few elements that I have collected.

I am trying to find the right elements, they should all flow together in harmony, make a good presentation.  

This can sometimes come together fast and sometimes I like to take a few days to make my finial selection before I start to assemble.

I decide I want to work with the green rough rock that I have already wrapped in copper wire.

Next I lay out the necklace and move some of the elements in to place to see if it pleases my eye and my brain.

I decide that I may want to make the chain longer than 18 inches so i bring in another chain and a few other chains in several sizes, 

I also know i want the green stone as the center focal point

I want to create at least 3 dangles on this necklace. 
I have also decided to use copper wire in this piece.

Now I am thinking that I don't want the green stone, it is to masculine I think I will work with the pink quartz stone I have wrapped in copper wire, 

I have also decided not to use the peace sign charms  

I have already added two inches to the length of the necklace before placing the center focal pendant

I checked my inventory and found new elements that may be absorbed into this piece

Here I have added the a wood bead that I combined with two pearl beads and end caps to the quartz pendant 
notice I have used 3 different sizes of copper wire for this project

Now is a good time to take a critical look at your piece, i like to pin it to the white foam board I have.  Be sure to leave space between all your bails this will allow the elements to move freely

I will be adding more copper for sure
I decided to add copper wire to the wood bead, using a different bead to practice on I created something that I fell in love with 
I have decided to add it as a third pendant 

decided to remove the leaf it just gets in the way in this piece and it is jagged may be better for earring.
Now lets see how all of the elements lay together

I love the way this looks, wow it knocks my socks off 
I will not be using the purple pearls

I noticed the bail i created to connect all of the pendants together is not heavy enough so I am reworking with larger wire
next photo I am creating the bail to connect the wood bead i made the copper wrap for.  This bail is twisted wire

As you can see I have changed this necklace a lot since first starting it I have added pink glass heart beads 

Decided to put the leaf charm back on I miss it in the center I do think it belongs there

Feb 13th I am going to change the dragonfly chains will connect
the two in the middle

Feb 9th I am waiting for small dragonfly charms to come in the mail so I can't make the matching earrings for this piece yet.

Materials for necklace
pink quartz nugget with copper wire wrap and bail
two large wood beads 
4 blue glass hearts
4 pink glass hearts
2 8mm freshwater pearl beads with copper end caps
1 20 inch link chain silver plated
2 large silver tone tibet silver dragonfly pendant charms
2 small silver plated dragonfly charms
3 sizes coated for jewelry making copper wire 
Materials for earrings

The next project is a custom order necklace.  
One of my best customers, she loves my work and buys frequently
She picks out the elements she is attracted to and I do my best creative process on each project

this is red monkey studio gallery in my home
customers can come in a browse and even make there own piece
the other side of the room has my work desk